Friday, July 31, 2009

Last post: Feb 18?!

(I'm refraining myself from using Chinese words/slangs on here so I can "practice" my English after not constantly speaking it for a long long time) :)

Oh my god, I'm really disappointed... I'd originally wanted to type on here from January until I leave so I could keep track of the whole exchange experience :( Ahhh, very unhappy about this the more I think. So let's not mention this :P.

Okay, lets briefly summarize Feb-July... "briefly" means a few sentences at most for each month, so don't expect too much: :P

Feb- nothing... probably the most boring month, but did the most shopping, since I just came and didn't really know anyone.

March- birthday? my sisters mailed me birthday presents... a Dior palette and pretty, like 5-in heels!!! (Thanks!!) I don't know if she wanted me to look pretty in them or she is playing me HAHA. But I tried wearing them out today for the first time... very pretty~ OHH, and need to mention my lovely friends whom I met for a short time ate bday dinner with me in the midst of midterms.

- spring break/ didn't do anything special except maybe like schoolwork haha. We had that case analysis thing the day we go back to school, haha, and "luckily" got chosen to present. Why lucky? Because it would have been a waste of effort if we didn't present... Went to Beijing with Karen before break, which was nice because even though we were pretty close before, we understood each other more afterwards. Oh, and end of April I saw Leo Ku's Eye Fever concert.

May- last month in school... I'd really started to feel that I miss UST so much at the end of April, so May was pretty much when I complain everyday about not wanting to leave- school, hall, friends, etc. Other than that, nothing much special... schoolwork, studying, projects... so many projects/group stuff here~~! I rmb I had like 3 different group meetings in one day and got sick haha! That's like meeting 15 different people =.= Business Law's was really about writing, not too bad... Econ Development (SOSC161?)'s was too easy that it was hard lol (there's NO guideline! so didn't know what to do at first). Marketing's was really time consuming... so many different parts- stupid report and video clip took hrs.

June- finally summer vacation... did various stuff like: saw Lam Fung's first concerts at the Coliseum hehehe... basically just played haha...

July- which is this month, I'd really started to study for the LSAT... back to reality haha. Other hanging out in between, but stayed home more, played less. Oh yeah, and I have that mentoring program at Prudential/TST.

But anyway, so I hate to say that I've changed alot since the last post. I don't really like changes because it has a negative connotation (to me at least). Mentally, physically and emotionally... The easiest one to tell is probably the physical change. I'd actually gotten "skinnier" when I first got back until mid-March. Then I started to get fat again; I didn't imagine it, but my hallmates had kept telling me that I got fatter and that I should stop eating hehe. Yettt, we all went downstairs to buy lots of fatty snacks :/. Haha, they're skinny so they can afford it. :)

Emotionally? Well, since roomate moved somewhere else down the hall, I must've been the happiest person haha. When I opened my eyes in the morning, all her stuff were g-o-n-e; felt like I won the lottery or something (although I don't know what it feels like to win the lottery) especially since I was told by so many people that this would be unlikely to happen. And also, I think that the more people you meet, the more emotional stress you'll have. Well, yeah, I've met alot of people whom I don't regret meeting. But the emotional stress that comes with it is natural and maybe inevitable?

Mentally... I actually can't tell the difference between "mental" and "emotional"... haha, why did I write that then? I don't know. I probably had intended to talk about the way I act from changes in how I think. Anyway, I think I talk more than before... maybe too much sometimes haha. I don't know if I annoy anyone. But, my uncle was talking to me before and said that he loves talking to me because I always argue/express my opinions and that I'm really "fun" to talk to. I don't think I talk that much before. And also, I used to refuse to do alot of things in terms of hanging out, but now, I'm fine with most things haha. Another major change... I used to watch TVB every day, it's like I'd feel weird if I don't watch at least one episode of a drama... But after I got to HK, I rarely watch anything until recently (e.g. Burning Flames III). I guess watching TVB in the U.S. made me feel that I was attached to HK/HK Entertainment somehow...

Don't you worry, I will update this within a week :)... I promise~~~~~!

Random pic (I don't want this to be pictureless) :P
~~~~~~~Byebye to my messy desk at UST haha. ~~~~~~~